I was having a conversation with a friend recently about my frustrations with writer’s block.  I began to tell her about some of the ideas I had floating around in my head and she said I should write about them, one in particular.

So I’ve decided to write about love.  It’s funny that I chose that topic since I oftentimes feel that I know nothing about it when I take a look at my track record.  I’ve only been in 3 real relationships my whole life and the most recent one may not have even been a relationship…it was more like a situation.  (Albeit a terrible one.)  But during my conversation with my dear friend I realized something.  At some point during these relationships I developed strong feelings for the person I was with and may have thought I was in love.  But once that ends I’ll feel like it wasn’t really love.  In regard to my feelings I’m left asking,


This doesn’t happen with all my relationships.  Sometimes the feelings still linger for months but that’s worse because then I’m a mess.  And no one likes a Messy Melly, unless we’re talking about Mellie Grant.  (Isn’t she just the best?)  So what I’ve been trying to figure out is how do you know when you’ve found the one?  If you were in love with one person and then it ends you may end up saying, “I realized that wasn’t actually love.”  I especially hear people say this when they do find the one.  But what if that ends, will we end up saying that wasn’t really love too?

All of this brought me to one conclusion: There are different kinds of love, and you have to find the best one for you.  You may have genuinely loved someone but it didn’t work out for that reason.  How do you know what kind of love is right for you?  Well I think you can’t find that out until you truly love yourself.  This is something I’m constantly working on.  I think it’s extremely important to know yourself before you get to know someone else.  I can’t properly love someone until I love myself.  Right now I love parts of myself, but I’m working on loving all of me!
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Thank you John…but we can’t be together. I’m sorry.

There’s no love like self love. I’m content in my singleness, and I can honestly say that I am happy at this point in my life.  There are things that could be better, but overall, I like who I am.  And I know that in time I’ll find someone that will complement me and one day we’ll become two parts of a whole.  Until then I’m enjoying dating myself!  I’m actually planning on doing a post about my very own me-date so stay tuned!