
My many musings on life, love, and everything in between.  

The Unhireable Melly Dee

The Unhireable Melly Dee

About a year ago I put a moratorium on applying for jobs. I decided I was done with the job search. It's a very dreary process that was causing me to have monthly crying fits and I was honestly tired of changing that one paragraph in my cover letters when I knew no...

$510 by 5/10!!

$510 by 5/10!!

It's May! My birthday month and Mental Health Awareness month! This year I'm doing something special and asking people to donate to Dreams of Hope Foundation, a local nonprofit that is near and dear to my heart. My goal is to raise $510 since my birthday is on May...

Does Closure Exist?

Does Closure Exist?

Blink once if you've ever sent a string of long texts to a guy and he either didn't respond or responded with a few words that could barely qualify as a sentence. *Blinks* Same sis, same. I'd really like us to abandon this practice. Tap into that powerful female...

Buy Black Ya’ll!!

Buy Black Ya’ll!!

"I'm never shopping at another black owned business again!" A lot of us have probably said this or heard one of our friends say it.  Maybe the item they purchased was not of the quality they expected, maybe they never even received their order!  Maybe their order took...

When You Shoot Your Shot and Get Shat On

When You Shoot Your Shot and Get Shat On

My love life, or lack thereof, has been a common theme on this blog.  I'm sure you all are waiting to hear me share some good news about my romantic exploits, and I am here to tell you that today is not that day. If you are not familiar with the concept of "shooing...

Black Girls…Swim??

Black Girls…Swim??

I don't know how to swim.  I'm almost 27 years old and I can't even tread water.  That's a problem.   But most people know that black people don't know how to swim, it's just a funny stereotype that we all laugh about but has anyone ever thought about the real reason...

Friday Nights at The Burr-er-rey

Friday Nights at The Burr-er-rey

Disclaimer: don't drink and drive, you're better than that. Spontaneous adventures with friends are always a good idea.  They almost always make for a great story, even if a horrible time was had.  However, horrible times are non existent with my crew.  So when you...

Taco’s, Waffles, and Dope Shots

Taco’s, Waffles, and Dope Shots

I should have written this post last Sunday because I don't think this content is evergreen at this point...oh well. You may have not realized it by now but I thoroughly enjoy my alone time.  Every now and then I'll spend one of my day's off wandering around my city...
